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Quick and tasty beef stew

December 7, 2013 Chris Malme 0

I am working this afternoon, and having got back from the shops I have only an hour to have lunch and relax before starting a job that is not going to give me much time for breaks for the rest of the afternoon, and possibly the day.

This is how I cook

December 3, 2013 Chris Malme 1

There has been some conversations amongst my Facebook friends recently, about slow cooker recipes. Although I follow recipes for bread and cakes and similar, for slow cooking (and to a certain extent, BBQ) I tend to wing it. This is how I cook – my culinary life runs on substitutions, approximations and lots of “that will probably work”.

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Another slow cooker

November 27, 2013 Chris Malme 1

I love slow cookers, they are a very easy way to turn cheap cuts of meat into deliciousness, and because the cooking is so gentle, it is almost impossible to spoil something by overcooking it.