Being even thriftier with the pizza habit

June 13, 2019 Chris Malme 0

Back in January, I posted about buying Dominos pizza using their lunchtime 2-for-1 deal; eating a slice or two, then freezing the rest. This gives me a choice of pizza on hand, easily (and tastily) reheated, for £1 a slice.

Beef Stew With Suet Dumplings (Slow Cooker)

February 8, 2019 Chris Malme 0

I used to love dumplings as a child, and as student, they were an easy way to make a meal go further.

They seem to have gone out of fashion, and when you do see them, they are often either made from a packet mix, containing vegetable suet (with palm oil), or no suet at all – which means they are savoury scones (or, in the US, biscuits).

My dumplings contain beef suet, and I make no apologies for that.

Coffee: Brown Bear – Breakfast Blend

November 12, 2018 Chris Malme 0

At the moment, about half the coffee I am drinking is the Revelation blend from Union I wrote of earlier, and the other half are different blends I am getting through my subscription with The Coffee Roasters.

Coffee: A Revelation.

September 5, 2018 Chris Malme 1

For the past month or so, I have been experimenting with coffee, following a purchase of a bean to cup machine. I must catch up sometime soon with the story of the machine and how I have gone from someone who hated coffee to someone who quite likes it.